Board Meeting Highlights
June 2016
- Summer picnic at Ellen’s House on July 30th
- Fall Conference to include Fundamentals and In-Touch Again training. Scheduled for September 30 – October 2. Education committee to finalize details and provide update to Board at next meeting.
- Ethel present to talk about Scholarship fund. Scholarship available for any member for events. Discussed whether MSTG wanted to continue offering a “Process” scholarship?
- Board to determine the future of scholarship program
- MSTG Board is seeking a president elect as Justin Kruse is transitioning out of president role January 2017.
- Justin Kruse reviewed MSTG by-laws. Ethics Committee and Communication’s Committee needed.
- Board moved that the Education committee will draft budgets in the planning of a workshop, which will come before the board for approval.
May 2016
- MSTG Summer picnic will be at Ellen’s and John’s house on July 30. The board meeting will be from 10:00-12:00 followed by food and fellowship. Lynn Overvoorde will also share photos and stories of her 6 month experience in Tanzania.
- Toy Store – the Toy Store committee has asked to board to determine how to best liquidate the inventory of toys. Many options were discussed. Some of the higher priced items will go to the Chicago STA conference for their silent auction. We may also have a few silent auction items at the picnic.
- MSTG/Community of Peace School Project update: Lynn met with Chelle (school social worker to look at a different space. The proposal that Jacque and Lynn wrote was turned into the CPA executive director who will be presenting to the CPA board of directors. Once we receive final approval from them, we can make final plans for the Fall.
- Education Committee – Ed committee will begin meeting regularly to plan educational opportunities. The hope is to plan two events a year, one event being a fundamentals class. We discussed trying to have an In-Touch Again training in September, 2016 with a one day Fundamentals class tacked on to this training.
- If you have ideas for items you would like to see in the MSTG Minute, send them to Justin.
- Training update: The education committee will be taking over planning a Regional Conference with Gita Morena. In June 2017.
- The next Board Meeting is scheduled for June 11 at 10:00 at Jojo’s Rise and Wine in Burnsville. The Education Committee will be meeting prior to that meeting from 9:00-10:00.
April 2016
- MSTG Summer picnic will be at Ellen’s and John’s house on July 30. The board meeting will be from 10:00-12:00 followed by a short activity for kids and adults, food, and perhaps a brief training.
- MSTG/Community of Peace School Project update: Jacque contacted Chelle, school social worker, and we are waiting to hear from her on the School Board’s decision about us moving forward with the project. At this point we are too close to the end of the school year to begin the project, but hopefully we can get things in place for the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year.
- We had a very positive response to the MSTG Minute that went out last month. If you have something to submit for the May MSTG Minute please get it to Justin at least a week before the first of the month.
- Training update: We discussed having Gita Morena come for a Regional Conference. Looking at May or June of 2017. Ellen will contact Gita to negotiate a date. Once we have a date, the Ed Committee can begin to look for a location.
- The next Board Meeting is scheduled for May 21 at 10:00 at Jojo’s Wine and Dine in Burnsville.
March 2016
- The Board has agreed to purchase D & O Insurance since we are moving forward with a Sandplay project at Community of Peace Academy school in which therapists will volunteer 1-2 hours of therapy a week. Details are still being worked out on the school project and it will likely start in the 2016-2017 school year.
- We agreed to shift from a bi-annual newsletter to monthly info blasts to the members.
- MSTG is looking for ways to interface more with MN Association of Play Therapists. As Ellen Saul stated: “We want to give lots of folks a chance to experience this path in the sand of integration, active imagination and expression of our spirit”. Plans made to attend an APT board meeting to discuss possible further opportunities of supporting each other.
- Justin is working on the webpage and would like to include short bios on therapist for people looking on the website for a therapist.
- The Board will be meeting every 2nd Saturday of the month from 10-12 with the exception of April 9, 2016.