MSTG Member Spotlight

June 2016, Ellen Saul


How long have you been practicing Sandplay Therapy? Since 1992

Ellen Saul

Ellen Saul

What drew you to the field of Sandplay Therapy? I heard about Sandplay at a play therapy workshop.  It was about 15 minutes worth, and I don't remember any pictures, or miniatures, it was mostly a description.  Even that little piece resonated for me and I knew I had to learn more.  One of the better intuitive hunches of my life!

What is your primary theoretical orientation and how did you “develop” into that orientation?  I think I would have to go with a "Multimodal" theoretical orientation.  Attachment and developmental theory are very basic to how I see things.  The Jungian background of Sandplay is really big.  I am strongly into body, mind, spirit connections.   Somatic Experiencing and In Touch Again (multisensory therapy) are significant parts of my orientation.

What is one Sandplay miniature that drew you into Sandplay? The Venus of Willendorf

How does your personality contribute to your style of Sandplay Therapy?  I continue to be excited about the awesome shifts that occur as clients work in the sand.  My enthusiasm is present, even as I sit quietly and witness work in the sand.

What would you like to learn more about or develop more in your own Sandplay therapy practice?  Writing for the Journal of Sandplay Therapy, teaching more (getting to having to learn more), consultation groups.

How did you learn about MSTG? The first training in Sandplay that I went to (Kasper Kiepenhauer) was sponsored by MSTG, and I started to get acquainted with people in it.

What have you enjoyed most about your experience with MSTG?  The connection with a lot of really amazing people, who are supportive, caring, interested and interesting, and lifetime learners.

What do you most look forward to as a member of MSTG?  The continuing process of growth and development of MSTG as time goes on, needs change, and amazing folks show up to learn Sandplay and become involved with MSTG. 


May 2016, Justin D. Kruse

How long have you been practicing Sandplay Therapy? Since 2009

Justin D. Kruse

Justin D. Kruse

What drew you to the field of Sandplay Therapy? I was first introduced to sandtray play therapy through college education and intensive trainings. The information I learned was fascinating. At the same time, my work supervisor had a collection of miniatures in her office and had shared with me names of folks who do Sandplay Therapy. Soon after, the workshop Psyche, Soma, Spirt: The Three Realms of Sandplay was being offered. I quickly registered. Since the workshop, I have felt a deeper appreciation of the work that is done in the sand and have been grateful to being a witness to the journeys and healing done in the sand.  

What is your primary theoretical orientation and how did you “develop” into that orientation? While being flexible and grounded in utilizing theoretical frameworks such as attachment, experiential play therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, along with updates on neurobiological-psychological research on trauma, I specialize in strengthening family relationships through play with subspecialties in child/family trauma and attachment interventions.

What is one Sandplay miniature that drew you into Sandplay? There are many but one that I am particularly fond is of the turtle.  

What would you like to learn more about or develop more in your own Sandplay therapy practice? Great question. There is always more to learn. At the present time, I am interested in the shadow.

How did you learn about MSTG? I was first introduced to Sandplay in June 2009 at the workshop Psyche, Soma, Spirit: The Three Realms of Sandplay and have since been working on a personal process while building my miniature collection.    

What have you enjoyed most about your experience with MSTG? The relationships and connections with current MSTG members.

What do you most look forward to as a member of MSTG? Continuing to build relationships and building MSTG’s presence. 

April 2016, Paula Achenbach

How long have you been practicing Sandplay Therapy? 15 years

Paula Achenbach

Paula Achenbach

What drew you to the field of Sandplay Therapy? My first degree is Early Childhood Education. I have always had small toys with block play. I always had sand in my classroom. Sandplay seemed natural to me.

What is your primary theoretical orientation and how did you “develop” into that orientation? My theoretical orientation is a quilt of influences first with child development, especially Piaget, and attachment theory Bowlby and Nessy Bailey and Experiential play therapy. I have done supervision with Clark Moustakes who influenced Byron Norton. Humanist psychology from Virginia Satire, we all affect each other. Jungian perspectives of synchronicity, symbolism and collective consciousness and the belief that the client knows the answers. Spirituality perspectives of the 4 Agreements, Don Migel Rehes and Byron Katie and Buddhism, Mindfulness, Native American, Nature Base therapy, animal assisted psychotherapy, Trauma and brain science of Bessel Van Der Kolk, Bruce Perry.

What is one Sandplay miniature that drew you into Sandplay? Initially all the miniatures were like bright shiny objects. I liked them all.  But the blue horse miniatures were a magnet to my soul. 

How does your personality contribute to your style of Sandplay Therapy? Not sure. Would like to do something with sweat lodge and sand play and horse therapy and sandplay.

What would you like to learn more about or develop more in your own Sandplay therapy practice? I value creative deep, spiritual experiences. I am not afraid of the shadow side. As a sandplay therapist it is an honor to witness ones work in the tray.

How did you learn about MSTG? There was no local Play Therapy training when I graduated.  I heard about Sand Play through my mentor Dr. Linda Budd who knew Carol and Larry Greenberg.

What have you enjoyed most about your experience with MSTG? I have enjoyed the relationships between members and the ongoing learning. I am a life long learner and I appreciate the depth of the study of sandplay. I do not appreciate the requirements.

What do you most look forward to as a member of MSTG? I am not sure. I am sure I will continue to take a training but I am not sure how involved I will be. It’s time to pass the shovel.